![E-MU Analogia Project [2 CD] E-MU Analogia Project [2 CD]](/images/Analogia-PRG.jpg) | E-MU Analogia Project [2 CDs Set] From the St. Regis Brotheres and EMU comes the Analogia Project 2 CD Set for all EMU EIV EOS compatable samplers and soft samplers. This includes the Emulator X soft sampler. | $20.00 | |
 | E-MU Beat Shop 1 Beat Shop 1 (Studio Drum Sounds, Grooves, Fills) All New sound banks supporting X2 advanced features Emulator X2 Add-on A powerful new 24-bit/192kHz streaming software sound module. FEATURES... | $10.00 | |
 | E-MU Earth Tones [EMU format] Based on the legendary Planet Earth Module from emu, This CDRom features a gamut of instruments from the global village organized into 56 banks ranging from 2MB to 32MB in memory size. | $10.00 | |
 | The Emulator X Software sampler is a professional software sampler and synthesizer based on the Emulator series of hardware samplers. The engineers and designers at E-MU Systems have brought their years... | $10.00 | |
 | EMU Emulator X2 Software Sampler Works with EMU soundcards only! Emulator® X2 Software Sampler for PC is the culmination of over 30 years of sampler development that offers the pristine sound quality. | $12.50 | |
 | Mo' Phatt X - Complete soundset of the legendary Mo'Phatt sound module to your E-MU Proteus X and Emulator X desktop instrument Mo'Phatt X offers you the complete soundest of E-MU's Mo'Phatt sound module. | $10.00 | |
 | The World’s most exotic instruments from Agogo Bells to Zhonghus. Planet Earth X brings the complete soundset of E-MU’s popular Planet Earth sound module to your E-MU Proteus X and Emulator X desktop instrument. | $10.00 | |
![E-MU Platinum Phatt [2 CD] E-MU Platinum Phatt [2 CD]](/images/emu-pl.jpg) | E-MU Platinum Phatt [2 CDs Set] Over a gigabyte of phattness: beefed-out authentic instruments, hard urban vocal hooks, live drum grooves and the grittiest lo-fi funk. | $20.00 | |
 | E-MU Proteus VX v2.0.1 Proteus VX is a 24-bit/192kHz standalone/VST instrument for your PC that offers the pristine sound quality and powerful Z-Plane filters of E-MU's powerful Proteus X2 Software Sound Module. | $10.00 | |
 | Proteus X is a 24-bit sound module for your PC that combines the pristine sound quality, powerful synthesis and Z-Plane filters of E-MU's legendary sound modules, with the disk streaming, file management... | $10.00 | |
 | E-MU Proteus X Producer 1000 presets from the Original Proteus 2000 Emulator X2 Add-on A powerful new 24-bit/192kHz streaming software sound module. FEATURES Take the next big leap in Virtual Instrument... | $10.00 | |
 | E-MU Studio Grand Piano Studio Grand Piano (1.2 GB) All New sound banks supporting X2 advanced features Emulator X2 Add-on A powerful new 24-bit/192kHz streaming software sound module. FEATURES Take the... | $10.00 | |
 | E-MU Twistaloop X-perience All New sound banks supporting X2 advanced features Emulator X2 Add-on A powerful new 24-bit/192kHz streaming software sound module. FEATURES Take the next big leap in Virtual... | $10.00 | |
 | Welcome to the continent of the Great Bear. Russian Masters is a CD-ROM for the Emu family of Emulator IVX, EIV, E64, E6400, EIIIX, ESI-32 and EIII samplers which incorporates 80 banks of digital instrumentation... | $12.50 | |
![SynthLine vol.08 - JP-8000 [EMU] SynthLine vol.08 - JP-8000 [EMU]](/images/stl08.jpg) | Nicebeats SynthLine vol.08 - JP-8000 [EMU Format] Best sounds from Roland JP-8000 synthesizer. 001 Comb Strings 002 Mazzive Pad 003 Fanfare 004 Whistle 005 Axel Synth 006 Magic Moment 007 Dreams In Trance... | $10.00 | |