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Russian Masters

Russian Masters
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Welcome to the continent of the Great Bear. Russian Masters is a CD-ROM for the Emu family of Emulator IVX, EIV, E64, E6400, EIIIX, ESI-32 and EIII samplers which incorporates 80 banks of digital instrumentation from the former Soviet Union and parts of Asia. These folk and ethnic acoustic instruments were recorded by Martin Kiszko from the U.K. The 600 megabyte CD-ROM includes looped and unlooped versions of many of the instruments. In addition, all solo instrument trills were recorded in half-step intervals, so when playing more than one note, you will hear the real trills (no digital pitch shifting at any interval). Besides individual notes, Russian Masters includes many performances and motifs for media and filmscore effects. Many of these instruments have heretofore been unavailable to the west. And now through Northstar they have been made available to you.


Prima Balalaika Pizz
Prima Balalaika Trem
Prima Balalaika Trem Loop
Pr Balalaika Maj Trem
Prima Balalaika Maj Loop
Prima Balalaika Minor
Prima Balalaika Min Loop
Prima Balalaika Motifs
Alto Balalaika Pizz
Alto Balalaika Trem
Alto Balalaika Trem Loop
Alto Balalaika Major
Alto Balalaika Maj Loop
Alto Balalaika Minor
Alto Balalaika Min Loop
Alto Balalaika Motifs
Contra Balalaika Pizz
Contra Balalaika Trem
Con Balalaika Trem Loop
Alto Domra Pizz
Alto Domra Trem
Alto Domra Trem Loop
Alto Domra Maj Trem
Alto Domra Maj Loop
Alto Domra Min Trem
Alto Domra Min Loop
Russian Gusli
Gusli Motifs 1
Gusli Motifs 2
Uzbek Dutar
Dutar Rasgado
Dutar Dance
Dutar Improv
Topshuur & Chatkan
Armenian Tar
Tar Phrases
Chinese Pipa
Orient Erhu
Orient Erhu Loop

Sopilka Vibrato
Sopilka Vibrato Loop
Sopilka Straight
Sopilka Straight Loop
Sopilka Songs
Altai Shoor
Altai Shoor Loop
Moldavian Nai
Moldavian Nai Loop
Nai Song
Duduk Vibrato Loop
Duduk Strait Loop
Duduk Phrases
Bayan Accordion
Bayan Accordion Loop
Bayan Song 1
Bayan Song 2
Bayan Song 3
Birbine Loop
Piganku Loop
Khingula & Mamala
Chinese Xiou
Chinese Xiou Loop
Chinese Xun

Tavlak & Improvs
Nagara & Improvs
Douly & Improvs
Doira & Improvs
Eastern Gong
Khomus & Improvs

Balalaika Ensembles 1
Balalaika Ensembles 2
Balalaika Ensembles 3
Balalaika Ensembles 4
Balalaika Ensembles 5
Tar & Douly
For more information, please visit this products webpage.
You may buy Russian Masters or download it on our site. This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 20 May, 2009.


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