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Finale 2009

Finale 2009

Finale 2009 [DVD][PC/MAC] – the world’s most powerful music notation software – lets you express your creativity and love of music. Compose, arrange, notate, and print engraver-quality sheet music.

What’s New in Finale 2009

Streamlined workflow

The creation, entry, moving, and editing of dynamics, tempo indications, and other text and markings has been reinvented and streamlined.

Garritan sounds

Finale now includes more than 300 world-class instrument sounds from the makers of Garritan Personal Orchestra. Free new sounds include baritone saxophone, vintage electric piano, electric guitar, handbells, and more

Aria Player: the next generation

The Garritan Aria Player is included FREE and is fully integrated into Finale 2009. The level of custom integration is unsurpassed and offers superior sound, more control, and a vastly improved user playback experience.

Full VST/AU instrument support

Finale is now compatible with all VST/AU instruments, providing users with unlimited sonic possibilities. Plus you can now specify which VST/AU plug-ins load, eliminating conflicts and assisting troubleshooting. Finale also checks plug-ins for compatibility before loading, and tracks which plug-ins were previously checked for better performance.

Multiple page editing

Now you can simultaneously view and edit as many pages as you choose to view on your monitor. Learn more.

Tapspace Virtual Drumline™ sounds

Finale also includes more than 100 instrument sounds from Tapspace Virtual Drumline, the world’s most powerful marching and concert percussion software instrument featuring the world-champion Santa Clara Vanguard percussion section.

Expanded SmartMusic support

Finale 2009 makes it easier and faster to create assessable SmartMusic accompaniments with support for linked parts, repeats, and more.


Triplet recognition in SmartScore Lite Scanning, improvements to engraver slurs, Human Playback® enhancements, FinaleScript® 2.0 and updates to MusicXML. Windows users can also benefit from ASIO support which provides more accurate playback, reduced latency, and increased compatibility with a wider variety of sound cards. (ASIO support is not needed in Mac OS X).

For more information, please visit this products webpage.
You may buy Finale 2009 or download it on our site. This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 21 May, 2009.


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