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Sonokinetic Steelpan

Sonokinetic SteelPan

Trinidad & Tobago High End Steelpan Sample Library.


  • 44.1 kHz, 24bit NCW format
  • 7.600+ SAMPLES
  • 5.3 GB uncompressed
  • Royalty and copyright free content license



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About Steelpan

Sonokinetic Steelpan is our take on the Steel Drum or Steelpan popularized by the people of Trinidad and Tobago. A tropical joy emanates from every touch of this beautiful instrument. Steelpans are handcrafted from the wealth of oil barrels that proliferate the Island State. They are a low-tech by-product of big industry and a testament to the creativity of whoever it first was that heard the music in these barrels and started to tune and cultivate them into the musical instrument of today.

The unique sound that is produced by striking the tuned parts of the instrument is very rich in overtones, especially on louder hits, where the whole instrument oscillates and resonates with the actual tine hit.

We decided to capture that sound using our proven methods, with two different types of sticks and additionally with our fingers. The finger-tapped sound not normally common to Steeldrum playing but we really loved the timbre when we experimented with the instrument and felt we needed to share it with you for inspiration outside of the usual use of the instrument.

Steelpan is captured using five microphones, a stereo set up on the balcony, another stereo set at about a meter and a half distance slanted above the instrument, and a close mic below the instrument, giving you ample opportunity to mix the sound to your liking.

To easily accommodate the distinctive playing method of this instrument we also included an automatic tremolo setting that will alternate between two notes when two or more notes are held together. Rapid tremolos are made easy for those of you with less nimble fingers.

With a beautifully crafted themed user interface designed by Ryo Ishido, we are very proud and pleased to present to you the next step in our traditional music cultural heritage, “Steelpan"

Sonokinetic ‘sticks’ with its unbeatable pricing module and high quality sampling, we are really happy with how Steelpan turned out and we hope you will share in our enthusiasm for this instrument and it brings you a broad smile every time you play it.


For more information, please visit this products webpage.
You may buy Sonokinetic SteelPan or download it on our site. This product was added to our catalog on Friday 13 January, 2017.


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