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Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra Upgrade Vol. 2

Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra Upgrade vol. 2

As the name suggests, this is a supplementary set of samples designed to extend and broaden the range of the five Advanced Orchestra discs. New instruments, as detailed above, include: bass flute, new string sections, crotales and miscellaneous percussion (ambient and dry). There are also some new playing techniques: Harp single notes, string section attacks, up and down bows, initial, end, and intermediate ‘true legato’ notes of various lengths. The last of these were extracted from actual melodies to create the right sort of legato bow attack, as explained in great detail in the booklet.

The set also contains ‘short loop’ versions of the ensemble sounds from the main library, and some brightly EQ’d versions of the brass staccatos. New instruments were all recorded in a large concert hall, which has a pleasing reverb.

You may buy Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra Upgrade vol. 2 or download it on our site. This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 17 May, 2009.


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