Vsl Horizon Series - Opus I [4 Dvd]
$112.50 $59.95
OPUS 1 - Symphonic Orchestra
* This introduction to the world of professional orchestral sounds is the opposite of a "light" version - it is the largest, broadest collection in the entire Horizon Series. The feedback from users of our award-winning orchestral sample libraries was the driving force behind the creation of Opus 1. It contains handpicked samples and Performance Elements from the Vienna Symphonic Library's Pro Edition. Our revolutionary Legato Performance instruments and a selection of the most important single note articulations allow for superior arrangements with the best possible realism.
* Opus 1 was designed for convenience. Its logical, consistent structure is easy to grasp, instruments can be exchanged without having to figure out altered program numbers or unexpected controller assignments. If you want maximum orchestral output with a single computer system, this is the library of choice! Opus 1 excels at efficiency, economy and unencumbered creativity, while sacrificing nothing in the realism and expressiveness that the Vienna Symphonic Library has become famous for.
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You may buy VSL Horizon Series - Opus I [4 DVD] or download it on our site. This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 21 May, 2009.